F1 Buckfast UK open mated queen
New for 2024 we will be starting our Buckfast breeding program. Over the last few years we have bought some breeder queens from different breeders to look at each of the different charicteristics that they have. We have found that buckfast bees are very well known for being a very gentle bee to work with. They can over winter very well and do tend to be a large colony coming out of winter, so spring expansion can be very quick indeed. The honey yeilds can also be very impressive.
The queens we will be selling are from our selected breeders that have been island mated to control the drone side of the genetics. We will then start grafting eggs from her from late April early May onwards. These virgin queens will then emerge and will get mated in our local area where we have had very successful mated queens. Once the newly mated queens have had a round of brood and we are happy with them they will be ready for delivery. ETA from week two in June onward.
Queens will be shipped via Royal mail 24hr special delivery service on Wednesdays so they can be with you by Thursday 1pm. They will be supplied in a bulter cage with some attendees and candy. It is very important that you are at home to recieve your queen so you can introduce her asap.